How to set prices for innovative products

Setting prices for innovative products can be a real challenge  for any company, as there are not many benchmarks to compare.  In addition, pricing for these types of products is especially  important, as it can influence the perception that consumers  have of them.  

Here are some tips to help you set effective prices for your  innovative products:  

  1. Get to know your customers and their willingness to pay. To price innovative products effectively, it is important to  know your customers and their willingness to pay. Often,  consumers are willing to pay more for innovative products that  offer them a unique experience or solve a problem more  effectively. However, this does not mean that you should set  the highest possible price, you should take into account  several factors such as:
    • Market research: this way you can obtain the necessary  information about your customer and how much they are  willing to pay for your product, while helping you to  identify opportunities and possible gaps in the market  for innovative products.
    • Customer segmentation: taking into account common  characteristics such as preferences, buying behaviors or  specific needs can help you adapt your pricing  strategies for each segment.
    • Testing and feedback: before launching an innovative  product to the market you can conduct tests, this helps  to evaluate the level of acceptance and understand your  customer’s willingness to pay for the product. At the  same time, the feedback you get can provide you with  valuable information to improve your value proposition.
    • Perceived value: assessing the perceived value of your  innovative products is a guide to help you consider the  final value of the product. If customers perceive a high value and are willing to pay for that value, you can set  a price according to that value level.
    • Pricing flexibility: maintaining some flexibility in  your pricing strategy helps you adapt to different  customer segmentations and market propositions.
  2. Consider production costs and profitability
    To set effective prices for innovative products, you must also  consider production costs and the profitability of the  business. It is important that you set a price that covers  production costs and allows you to make an adequate profit.  However, you should keep in mind that, in some cases, it may  be necessary to set lower prices in the short term to gain  market share and recover research and development costs.

    For this you can perform a comprehensive profitability analysis  where you can determine whether the innovative products are financially viable.

    Examine projected revenues and associated costs to assess  whether profit margins are sufficient to justify the investment  and risks involved. If production costs exceed expected  revenues, you may need to reconsider your pricing strategy or  look for ways to reduce costs. 
  3. Try different pricing strategies
    To set effective prices for innovative products, it is  important to test different pricing strategies and evaluate  their effectiveness. Some popular strategies include  penetration pricing, skim pricing, value-based pricing and  cost-based pricing. Try different strategies and see how they  affect sales and business profitability.

    Here are a few that may be useful to you:
    • Value-based pricing: Instead of basing prices solely on  production costs, focus on the value perceived by  customers. Evaluate the unique benefits and improvements  your innovative product offers compared to existing  alternatives. Set prices that reflect the value  customers are willing to pay for that innovation.
    • Penetration pricing: This strategy involves setting low  initial prices to quickly enter the market and capture  significant market share. By doing so, you can generate  interest and build a solid customer base. As the  innovative product gains acceptance and establishes  itself in the market, you can gradually increase prices.
    • Premium pricing: If your innovative product offers  superior features and benefits, you can consider a  premium pricing strategy. Target market segments willing  to pay a higher price for the advantages your product  offers. This strategy is based on exclusivity, perceived  quality and differentiation from the competition.
    • Dynamic pricing: uses dynamic pricing techniques to  adjust prices according to demand and market conditions.  This involves setting variable prices based on factors  such as availability, seasonality, geographic location,  current demand and other relevant data. Airlines and  travel platforms such as Uber are examples of companies  that use this strategy to maximize revenue.
    • Packages and pricing options: offer different pricing  options and packages to suit your customers’ needs and  preferences. You can combine the innovative product with  other related products and set attractive prices to  boost sales and increase profitability.
    • Discount and promotion strategies: use discounts,  special offers and promotions to generate interest and  attract new customers. These strategies can help build a  loyal customer base and generate quick sales, especially  during the initial launch of the innovative product.
  4. Do not underestimate the power of the brand
    Brand is an important factor in pricing innovative products. A  strong and recognized brand can allow you to set higher prices due to the perception of quality and prestige it conveys.  Therefore, it is important to invest in creating and  maintaining a strong and recognized brand.

    A strong, recognized brand can build trust and credibility in  the marketplace, which facilitates customer adoption and acceptance of innovative products. In addition, a strong brand  can support the perceived value of products, allowing prices  to be set at a higher level. Branding can also help  differentiate innovative products from competitors, creating a  competitive advantage and fostering customer loyalty.  Therefore, investing in brand building and brand management is essential to boost the impact and acceptance of innovative  products in the marketplace.

  5. Maintain a clear and consistent pricing policy
    Finally, to set effective prices for innovative products and  services, it is important to maintain a clear and consistent  pricing policy. This means that you must transparently  communicate your prices and any price changes to your  customers. In addition, you should ensure that your pricing is  consistent across all sales channels to avoid confusion and  mistrust on the part of consumers, as this helps you to  establish strong customer relationships and build trust in the  marketplace.

    By maintaining a transparent pricing policy, customers will  know what to expect and will not be surprised or confused by abrupt price changes. In addition, consistent pricing  reinforces the perception of brand stability and reliability,  which can increase customer loyalty and willingness to pay. A  clear pricing policy also helps to avoid misunderstandings and  conflicts with customers, which contributes to maintaining a  harmonious relationship. By effectively communicating prices  and maintaining a consistent policy, a solid foundation is laid  for the long-term success of innovative products in the marketplace.

    In conclusion, setting prices for innovative products can be a  challenge, but by knowing your customers, considering production costs and profitability, testing different pricing  strategies, investing in the brand and maintaining a clear and  consistent pricing policy, you will be able to set effective  prices that allow you to make an adequate profit and satisfy your customers’ needs.