Price monitoring software, Dynamic pricing tools, Retail price optimization

We are Rockstart!

We are happy to share some great news, PriceZing is one of the  12 startups that Rockstart has selected to be part of its fifth  batch and we want to tell you how our experience has been.

Rockstart is a global network that supports and empowers  startups around the world, allowing their founders to face the challenges of the initial stage of their startups in the best  possible way, to boost their growth and optimize their  resources in the best possible way. 

Generally, Rockstart invests in 10 companies per year, however,  they made an exception for this batch, as the ventures that  applied this time were considered high quality proposals. 

Being part of the Rockstart community, the number one  accelerator in Colombia, makes us feel very proud, because with  all its recognition and support it allows many startups in  Latin America to boost their businesses week by week, serving  as a source of information, innovation and methodologies. 

At PriceZing we dream that thousands of companies throughout  Latin America can define their prices in an optimal way to make their businesses profitable and Rockstar is the bridge that is  currently connecting us with the knowledge and the ideal  stakeholders so that our startup can be received in all Latin  American countries, so that many entrepreneurs can get to know  the solution that will help them understand their customers,  know how they compare with their competitors and what value  their consumers see in their products or services. 

At this moment we feel really proud of what we have achieved  so far, being selected among 1300 companies throughout Latin America to receive significant intellectual capital support  along with 11 other startups. 

We know that with Rockstar we will learn the best way to  accelerate our business, while we interact with first level  investors and mentors that teach us alternatives to understand  our customer centricity. The needs of our customers, their  pains, the role of our competitors and our room for  improvement. 

We have 6 months of intense work ahead of us in which we will  transform our understanding of our customers, where we will  give up what we considered right for the company until now; we  will take this opportunity to generate new ideas, measure our  results and surpass them.

We dream that thousands of companies in Latin America will not  go bankrupt before two years due to low profitability and will  find in PriceZing an alternative that will allow them to define  their prices in an optimal way to be profitable and relevant  in their industry. 

We are deeply proud to be able to take on this new challenge  with Rockstart and we will take advantage of all the  information they put at our disposal to take our startup to  the next level.